
S2E9: Hybrid Analytics and Data (ft. Joshua Bosire, Cooper University Health Care)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:8.270Jordan CooperWe are here today with Joshua Bosire, the Vice President of Access and Chief Analytics Officer at Cooper University Health Care. 0:0:8.480 –> 0:0:19.370Jordan CooperFor those who don’t know, Cooper University Healthcare is an academic health system based in Camden, NJ, with 900 physicians and 663 beds today. 0:0:19.460 –> 0:0:27.870Jordan…

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S2E1: Telehealth & Antibiotic Stewardship (ft. Dr. Jeff Linder, Northwestern University)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:7.750Jordan CooperWe’re here today with Doctor Jeff Linder, the chief of the division of General Internal Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. 0:0:7.960 –> 0:0:9.160Jordan CooperJeff, thank you for joining us today. 0:0:9.630 –> 0:0:10.100Linder, JeffreyThanks Jordan. 0:0:10.980 –> 0:0:20.250Jordan CooperSo for those who don’t know, Northwestern medicine is a…

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S1E38: Delegation in an Epic Conversion (ft. Dr. Rob Adamson, RWJBarnabas Health)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:7.360Jordan CooperWe’re here today with Doctor Robert Adamson, the Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Robert Wood Johnson, Barnabas Health. 0:0:8.220 –> 0:0:23.160Jordan CooperDoctor Adamson is the operational leader for the Epic electronic health record implementation at RWJ Barnabas and previously was a chief pharmacy officer and characterizes himself as…

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S1E32: Epic Migration, Staff Reallocation (ft. Oliver Galicki, Memorial Hermann)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:10.850Jordan CooperWe’re here today with Oliver Galicki, the associate vice president of EHR implementation at Memorial Hermann Healthcare delivery system. Oliver, thank you for joining us today. 0:0:11.590 –> 0:0:14.80Oliver Galicki (Guest)Absolutely. Thank you for having me, Jordan. I appreciate it. 0:0:13.840 –> 0:0:14.290Jordan CooperYeah. 0:0:14.980 –> 0:0:31.790Jordan CooperSure. So for our…

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S1E26: Network Transformation & Cybersecurity (ft. Curt Kwak, Proliance Surgeons)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:15.280Jordan CooperWe are here today with Kurt Kwok, the Chief Information Officer and Chief Information Security Officer for Proliance surgeons. Curtis, also the former vice president and chief information officer of Washington State Health Benefit Exchange. Kurt, thank you so much for joining us today. How are you doing? 0:0:15.640 –> 0:0:17.140Curt…

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S1E19: Clinical Staffing – Pt Ratio & Documentation Burden (ft. Ginny Torno, Houston Methodist)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:10.130Jordan CooperWe’re here today with Jenny Torno, the administrative director of innovation and IT clinical, ancillary and research systems at Houston Methodist. Jenny, thank you for joining us. 0:0:10.720 –> 0:0:11.450Torno, Ginny L.Thank you, Jordan. 0:0:12.490 –> 0:0:42.740Jordan CooperSo today we’ll be discussing what Houston Methodist is doing with care redesign and…

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S1E16: IT as a People Problem: Staffing, Partnerships (ft. Don MacMillan, MaineHealth)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:10.70Jordan CooperWe’re here today with Don McMillan, senior director of Information Services and regional CIO for main Health Central region. Don, thank you so much for joining us today and welcome. 0:0:10.650 –> 0:0:12.560MacMillan, Donald DThanks, Jordan. Appreciate you having me. 0:0:13.50 –> 0:0:31.670Jordan CooperYeah. So, Don, one of your primary roles…

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