S2E8: Genomics across Health Systems (ft. Justin Brueck, Endeavor Health)

Transcript: 0:0:0.0 –> 0:0:5.560Jordan CooperDustin Brick, the system vice president of Innovation and research at Endeavor Health. 0:0:5.570 –> 0:0:7.90Jordan CooperJustin, thank you so much for joining us today. 0:0:7.660 –> 0:0:8.660JustinThanks Jordan for having me. 0:0:9.330 –> 0:0:18.920Jordan CooperFor those who don’t know, endeavor help, formerly known as North Shore, Edward Elmhurst Health is…

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S1E35: FHIR & Consent in Europe & America (ft. Jan Vekemans & John Goodgame, InterSystems)

Transcript: Jordan CooperWe’re here today with Jan Vekemans, country sales manager in Belgium, founder of the #one Patient One Record 4 Belgium over an intersystems. We’re also joined by John Goodgame as sales engineer. INTERSYSTEMS gentlemen, thank you for joining us today. 0:1:26.660 –> 0:1:27.470Jan VekemansThank you, Jordan. 0:1:26.760 –> 0:1:27.510Yes, what I like to…

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